Active Learning Series 2023-24
Try IT: Academic Tech for Active Learning continues in Winter 2024!
Try IT: Beyond the Board: Dynamic, Flexible Discussion Activities with Ed Discussion
Thursday, Feb. 22, 3:30-5:00 P.M., Regenstein Library TechBar Studio and on Zoom
If you’re looking for a way to manage back-channel discussions with your teaching team, hold engaging class discussions, or track frequently asked student questions, Ed Discussion may significantly support your work. Ed Discussion integrates the dynamic feel of messaging platforms like Slack and Discord into Canvas, with features like LaTeX math notation and runnable code snippets. RSVP to join us for a workshop and instructor insights on Zoom or in-person.
What is Teaching with Technology?
Teaching with Technology brings together UChicago faculty, instructors, lecturers, learning designers, academic technologists, and students to share and showcase a wide variety of innovative and effective uses of technology in teaching and learning.
Feedback from Past Events on Teaching with Technology
I appreciated the disciplinary breadth represented – from arts to physical science to social science. I think we benefit from paying attention to practices outside our own discipline/area. It helps us explore the boundaries of the possible.
This was a very well-run event! Kudos to the organizers. Thank you for preparing such a professional and informative day and providing it all for free.
It was really valuable to hear and see examples of how innovative instructors have been thinking about and experimenting with various digital tools and teaching strategies this year! I really appreciated some of the lightning talks…and I thought the keynote set the tone really well for a compassionate form of pedagogy.
It was great to have real examples of how instructors used different technology in their courses. I think it is a useful way to have the upper hand for troubleshooting in my own teaching.
Email academictech@uchicago.edu with any questions about Teaching with Technology.